Restore Your Smile with Quality Dental Implants in Ballston, Arlington

dental implants in Arlington, VAAre you frustrated by severely decayed or missing teeth? At Enamyl Dentistry, we understand that dental complications can impact your ability to chew and speak properly. That's why we're passionate about restoring your confidence through skilled dental implant placement and restoration. Regardless of your needs, we'll sit down with you to create a personalized treatment plan that helps make the smile of your dreams a reality.

We're pleased to provide dental implants to Arlington, the Clarendon area, and Ballston quarter residents. Our skilled and friendly team, led by Dr. Yousif Al Najafi, is excited to meet you and improve your quality of life through reliable dental implant treatment. Call us today to schedule your next appointment!


What Are Dental Implants?

3d render of dental implant and crown restorationA dental implant is an artificial appliance crafted to replace a missing tooth or teeth. An implant is composed of titanium, titanium alloy, or other body-safe materials to ensure years of dependability. The three components of a dental implant are the post, abutment, and restoration. Since 2006, we've placed countless dental implants and will do the same for you.

Our dentist will begin by surgically placing the dental implant into your jaw. The abutment is attached to the top of the implant post and rests above the gum line. This piece is what connects your restoration to the implant post. Dr. Najafi will help you pick out the perfect restoration for you, as well as answer any questions you may have along the way.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants provide you with numerous benefits. Since they replace your tooth from root to crown, they significantly improve your oral health. Some of the ways dental implants boost your smile include:

  • Keeping your surrounding teeth from shifting
  • Stimulating bone growth in your jaw
  • Preserving your natural facial features
  • Preventing jawbone from receding and weakening
  • Improving your ability to chew and bite
  • Renewing your self-confidence

Which Restoration Option Is Right for Me?

woman patient visiting Arlington, VA dentist for dental implantsDuring your initial exam, our dentist will take the time to find the ideal restorative options for you. Some of the factors include the condition of your remaining teeth, medications you're taking, medical history, and lifestyle. No matter what restorative option you choose, we'll give you the support you need to improve your smile.

If you have a single missing tooth, crowns are an excellent restorative option. We'll take the time to match your crown's shape and color to your remaining teeth for a natural-looking appearance. We also offer dental bridges, which provide similar benefits as crowns but with the added benefit of replacing multiple teeth in a row.

Preparing for Your Dental Implant in Arlington

Depending on the condition of your teeth, we may recommend one or multiple pretreatment options to improve the short and long-term success of dental implant treatment. Our Arlington dental implant team works closely with trusted local periodontists for specific pretreatments. In addition, we'll coordinate your visits to both our office and the periodontist to simplify scheduling. Pretreatment options include, but are not limited to:

Root canal therapy: If you have a severely infected tooth preventing you from getting dental implants, root canal therapy may be the perfect option. Performed in-house, Dr. Najafi will remove any infected material from inside your tooth's pulp chamber and provide a thorough cleaning to prevent the occurrence of future infections.

Bone grafts: One of the critical components to successful dental implants is the health of your jawbone. If your bone is either weak or brittle, your dental implant won't have a secure hold to your jaw. Our trusted periodontist will increase the density of your bone for a firm dental implant fit.

Sinus lifts: Like a bone graft, a sinus lift increases the density of your bone. However, it's solely for your upper jaw near your sinuses and lifts the maxillary sinus to make room for new bone.

Extractions: If your tooth is severely decayed or damaged, it may be necessary to extract it. We can perform extractions at our office to create the necessary room for your dental implant.

Gum grafts: A gum graft is a procedure used to correct the effects of gum recession by placing healthy gum tissue on the affected gum line. If left untreated, gum recession can lead to your dental implant not having enough supportive tissue.

Your Place for Exceptional Dental Implants in Arlington

At Enamyl Dentistry, our entire team is committed to restoring your gorgeous smile from start to finish. We can't wait to begin a professional relationship you can depend on for years to come. If you need quality dental implants in Arlington or its surrounding areas, call us today to schedule your next visit!



Where to Find Us

Call: (703) 294-6144

850 N Randolph St #104
Arlington, VA 22203


850 N Randolph St #104|
Arlington, VA 22203

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